
Event description



Length: 8 Km
Duration: 2 hours and 30 minutes
Navigation: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Suitable for anybody from 7 to 77 years old
Time: from 10.00 am or 2.00 pm every hour till 6.00 pm

In MORGEX in Valle d’Aosta. You will start from our headquarter where the river flows quickly but not wavy. During the first 3 kilometers you will train some rigging and organize the crew.
Once arrived at La Salle lake, you will dive and test how it is exciting to let you carry on by the running. Moreover you will move over by van to reach Bombardon in order to experience its rapids.
During the last 5 kilometers the crews will race before going back to the headquarter.
This program is perfectly suitable for team BUILDING and INCENTIVE TRAVEL for companies.


Length: 14 Km
Duration: 4 hours
Navigation: 2 hour and 30 minutes
Suitable for anybody from 14 to 60 years old
Time: 10.00 am or 02.00 pm

The whole Dora river. From May to September the Dora Baltea is the most beautiful and the most abundant in water among the european rivers. Thanks to the melting of monte Bianco glaciers which are exposed to the south, it has on average a capacity of 60 cubic meters of water per second.
Starting from our headquarter located in Morgex, you will sail it for 14 kilometers without many breaks. You will take on the first 3,5 kilometers in order to coordinate the group and then you will enter the Arvier gully surrounded by waterfalls, canyons, vineyards from the famous Enfer vine and castles.
You will disembark close to Aosta and you’ll be picked up by shuttles to go back to our headquarter in order to let you have a shower. It is an adventure with everyone’s reach that it won’t require any particular experience except being good at swimming.

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